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CCTP - History of the Dog Exam
1. Dogs exhibit the widest range of _______ than any other domesticated mammal?
a. Communicative behavior
b. Range of behaviors
c. Color, size, shape
d. Genetic diversity
2. Despite a few breed and purpose-related behavior differences in dogs, they still exhibit the same core behaviors across the board?
a. True
b. False
3. The closest relative and ancestor of the dog is the ________.
a. Fox
b. Wolf
c. Coyote
d. African wild dog
4. Scientists determined the closest ancestor of the dog using which of the following:
a. Pictures, descriptions and historic documents
b. Vocalizations, similarities in behavior, genetics
c. By determining which dogs looked the most like which possible ancestor
d. Pawprint analysis
5. Dogs and their closest ancestor share _______ behavioral patterns.
a. 89 out of 90
b. 50 out of 100
c. 71 out of 90
d. All
6. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is the DNA passed on from:
a. Mother to daughter
b. Father to son
c. Father to all children
d. Mother to grandson
7. There is greater genetic diversity between races of people than there is between wolves and dogs
a. True
b. False
8. The dog and the wolf both fall under the name:
Vulpes vulpes
Canis lupus
Canis latrans
Canis mesomelas
9. A wolf and a dog cross produces a "hybrid" animal.
a. True
b. False
10. Dogs are remarkable survivors. They are found on _______ of the continents:
a. 5 out of 7
b. 7 out of 7
c. 3 out of 7
d. 6 out of 7
11. Wolves are considered one of the most successful predator animals.
a. True
b. False
12. Dogs are considered to be ______ in their environment.
a. Generalists
b. Basic
c. Specialists
d. Dwindling
13. Wolves react well to environmental changes and are able to adapt and survive.
a. True
b. False
14. Dogs learn best by _______.
a. Repetition and association
b. Observation and insight
c. Being told how to do something
d. Doing
15. Crossing wolves to domestic dogs is a proven way to improve the domestic dog's abilities and skills
a. True
b. False
16. The main difference between dogs and wolves is ________.
a. Genetics
b. Behavior
c. Vocalizations
d. Phenotype (Observable attributes)
17. Which of the three Life Strategies did dogs inherit from their ancestors that helped them survive?
a. Solitary hunters
b. Large pack hunters
c. Small pack and family hunters
d. Small game hunters
18. The dog is a domesticated form of which animal?
a. Siberian Fox
b. Jackal
c. Coyote
d. Grey Wolf
19. Domestication is different from taming an animal in that domestication involves ________ animal(s)
a. Captured
b. Trained
c. Only a few individuals
d. Entire populations of
20. Which of the following results are not associated with domestication:
a. Changed behavior
b. Changed morphology
c. Changed physiology
d. Changed genetic structure into a completely new species
21. The Siberian Fox Farm experiment produced changes in the foxes that were the same type of changes undergone by domesticated
a. Wolves and coyotes
b. Wolves and dogs
c. Jackals and wolves
d. African wild dogs
22. Many popular dog breeds were developed within the last ________ years.
a. 5000-7000
b. 150-200
c. 50
d. 1000
23. When humans began to cultivate their own crops and animals (agriculture), the _______ group was developed to meet that need
a. Hunting
b. Herding
c. Gun Dog
d. Guardian
24. Which of the following tasks is not something that dogs are used for today?
a. Herding
b. Transportation
c. Assistance
d. Food in many modern cultures
25. It is believed that over _______ different breeds of dog have existed at one time or another on the earth.
a. 200
b. 400
c. 500
d. 2000
Continental Kennel Club